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🚨 Budget Alerting

Alerts when a project will exceed it’s planned limit

Quick Start​

1. Setup Slack Alerting on your Proxy Config.yaml​

Add Slack Webhook to your env Get a slack webhook url from

Set SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL in your proxy env

export SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL="<>/<>/<>"

Update proxy config.yaml with slack alerting

Add general_settings:alerting

model_name: "azure-model"
model: "azure/gpt-35-turbo"

alerting: ["slack"]

Start proxy

$ litellm --config /path/to/config.yaml

2. Create API Key on Proxy Admin UI​

The Admin UI is found on your-litellm-proxy-endpoint/ui, example http://localhost:4000/ui/

  • Set a key name
  • Set a Soft Budget on when to get alerted

3. Test Slack Alerting on Admin UI​

After creating a key on the Admin UI, click on "Test Slack Alert" to send a test alert to your Slack channel

4. Check Slack​

When the test alert works, you should expect to see this on your alerts slack channel